If you’ve got a teenager in your home, braces may be a challenging or dreaded topic. We get it; metal braces can be a real threat to a teen’s self-esteem and a real drag when it’s time to eat, play an instrument or smile for yearbook photos. Fortunately, if your teen needs orthodontic correction but is resistant to the thought of traditional braces, there is another solution. Invisalign clear aligner therapy is formulated for adults as well as teens. It is a highly effective smile correction treatment that provides valued benefits without cramping your teen’s style.
Invisalign Teen relies on a series of clear aligners that are custom fit for your child’s smile. They will get a new set of aligners every 2 weeks until their final smile goals are achieved. Invisalign Teen has been proven to correct crowding, large gaps, under bites, over bites and more. Not only are the aligners clear and comfortable, but they are removable too!
Teens love the ability to gain a straighter, more attractive smile without having to flash metal brackets in the process. Here’s a few reasons why your teen may also enjoy Invisalign:
Eat Popcorn and Other Treats: Let’s face it; teenager years are full of late night snacking, candy treats and other savory food choices. Unfortunately, those who wear braces have to restrict themselves from certain hard candies and foods. With Invisalign Teen, your child can simply remove the aligners and share that bag of popcorn with friends at the movies.
Smile Confidently for Yearbook Photos: There’s no reason for your teenager to cover his or her smile while wearing Invisalign. In fact, the aligners are virtually invisible to others. This is a substantial advantage for children who are facing peer pressures and trying to build their self-esteem.
Keep a Clear Schedule: Traditional braces requires frequent trips to the orthodontist for tightening or adjustments. This is difficult for a busy teen’s schedule. With Invisalign Teen, you’ll need to come in much less often, since you can change out your aligners on your own every two weeks. You won’t have to miss out on school, sports practice or after-school clubs.
Avoid Tooth Stains and Puffy Gums: The removability of Invisalign Teen is not only great for eating, but it is optimal for brushing and flossing. Patients with traditional braces often have a hard time keeping their teeth clean due to the barriers of brackets and bands; this frequently leads to stains and gingivitis when the braces come off. With Invisalign Teen, your child won’t have extra challenges keeping his or her teeth clean during orthodontic treatment.
Ready to discuss an orthodontic treatment option that doesn’t trigger that teenage eye roll? Call Pure Smiles Dentistry. We are proud to be a certified provider of Invisalign Teen!
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2655 Dallas Hwy #510
Marietta, GA 30064
Phone: (770) 422-8776
FAX: (770) 428-2207
Email: info@puresmilesmarietta.com
Mon - Wed: 7AM – 7PM
Thu, Fri: 7AM – 4PM
Sat: 8AM – 3PM, twice a month